Boards' decisions, protected by the business judgment rule, face challenges. Local Law 97 compliance decisions, if reasonable, may be protected.
Boards' decisions, protected by the business judgment rule, face challenges. Local Law 97 compliance decisions, if reasonable, may be protected.
The business judgment rule protects boards, but it has exceptions, like decisions leading to owner revolts, which can have severe consequences.
Boards cannot hide behind the Business Judgment Rule for every decision they make — especially the wrong ones.
What are the limits to the protections offered by the Business Judgment Rule?
Disagreements between the board and shareholders about whether to repair or replace can lead to a lawsuit.
Marc Luxemburg on Levandusky vs. One Fifth Avenue
41 legal experts on game-changing laws, rules, and cases.
What does it mean when a board cannot act “unreasonably”?
Boards cannot create a policy on a whim and suddenly start levying fines.
When a co-op decides to evict a shareholder for objectionable conduct, is it the board or the court who rules ultimately?