Steam traps, which operate like gatekeepers in buildings with radiators, can wreak havoc if malfunctioning, leading to wasted steam, starved radiators, higher energy bills, and increased carbon emissions. (Print: The Malfunctioning Steam Trap)
Steam traps, which operate like gatekeepers in buildings with radiators, can wreak havoc if malfunctioning, leading to wasted steam, starved radiators, higher energy bills, and increased carbon emissions. (Print: The Malfunctioning Steam Trap)
Robert Post, Senior Sales Engineer at Parity, helped a co-op in Harlem optimize the efficiency of their HVAC system by installing controls and sensors on the equipment, remotely controlling the components in real time, and providing ongoing support and maintenance. (Print: Revving Up Efficiency)
Beekman Hill co-op converted their heating and cooling system to electrification, saving on operating costs and reducing carbon emissions, thanks to Con Ed Steam and Local Law 97. (Print: The High Cost of Steam)
Requiring homeowner insurance is a crucial strategy for mitigating risk and protecting the financial health of a community, as it provides essential coverage for liability, personal contents, loss of use, and loss assessment, and can help transfer risk to the homeowners. (Print: The Cost of Risk)
Westchester County co-ops must comply with strict requirements when denying purchase applications, including using the Westchester Human Rights Commission Notice of Rejection, listing specified individuals, and following deadlines, or face fines and potential legal action. (Print: Staying on Top of the Rules)
When a shareholder stops paying maintenance on time — or worse, not at all — boards have to move quickly and decisively to get the money that’s owed them.
Newer-generation buildings are experiencing serious and potentially dangerous problems much earlier than expected due to construction issues, and boards need to plan for long-term repairs and maintenance to ensure funds are available for future work. (Print: Too Early for So Many Leaks)
Jonathan Baron Design renovated the lobby of a five-story, 39-unit co-op to include new mailboxes, a storage closet, and a wall-mounted package locker, while also replacing the carpeting with porcelain tiles and installing a commercial-grade wall covering. (Print: Short on Space)
Dane Barnes, partner at Joseph K. Blum Co., helped one Upper East Side prewar co-op navigate the terra-cotta maze by replacing the damaged cornice with glass fiber reinforced concrete, saving the board $500,000. (Print: The Trouble With Terra Cotta Featured Expert)
A condo board was able to recover from a bad loss record and renew its insurance policy by installing leak detectors and creating a plan to correct and prevent future problems, which led to a reduction in premiums. (Print: Recovering From A Bad Insurance History)